Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Conscious Values of Sleep Debt

I got 8.5 hours last night!

This is pretty good. In case you didn't know, I've been operating on 3-4 hours of sleep for the past two months. If the slightest thing wakes me up, then all I can do is think about that book. I sit down to edit the book, I'm too tired to work on it. I muddle around the house, then all I'm doing is thinking about what I would like to do for the book.

Today, I am clear.

First off, I can't believe how attuned my senses are. Small nuances, like the hints of chocolate and cherry in the artisan coffee that my wife buys. Walking into the dining room and smelling the garlic of last nights dinner. Spotting all the little nicks and scrapes that need to be painted over. None of it bugs me; it simply gets filed into one of my mental buckets and I move on.

Second, I am not hungry. Sure, food tastes good. I can feel the good stuff making my body feel sated and energized. I don't have a deep desire to get into the sweets and salty stuff. No stress eating. I'm calm today. I feel strong.

Today is a project day!

There are a number of half-started projects that my <ahem> free time has allowed me to get into. Apparently, I begin something and then move on to begin something else. I believe publishers call that ability "stacking" when writers do it. I've got me some project stacks!

Now I have to figure out where to begin. There are some strange things that have been going on since my little sleep debt project. The most obvious of these is misplaced or missing things. After wandering the house, I looks like about half of the kids toys have vanished. I'm assuming that this is due to my wife's 'organizing' thing that she has started up. Lots of totes full of seasonal or seldom used items; labeled and stacked for our convince. Most of those totes are in the guest bedroom, which is still destined to become my mother-in-law's room.

Yep. THAT'S still happening. She's trying to figure out a paint scheme right now. It could take weeks.

Well; on that note, I'm going to sign off before the negative energy rolls in. Things to do and all of that!


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