I’ve been thinking about the Bible too. How many times has religion been used to steer the masses
to act a certain way, with law holding hands as the two Powers skip along. Even so, everyone is quick to point out ‘the separation of Church and State’ whenever I bring this up. Trained monkeys, the lot of them.
What is Law? I spoke to a layer neighbor the other day, and when I mentioned how law was the red-headed stepchild to rules laid out in the Bible, he got flustered and defensive. I pointed out the whole Thou shalt not kill! and argued that it was the same law written down in our legaleeze books. Shoot; between that and stealing (another one from the Bible), you’ve got the crux of every cop drama show on TV since the dawn of time.
These days, ‘right’ and ‘legal’ is whatever the Big Business du’jour (de jure?) says it needs it to be. There is no true longevity planning. As long as B.B. is in charge, there are no ‘business ethics’ to speak of. Rain forests will burn. Corporate law breakers will get out of jail… for a ‘fine’. In the end, B.B. wants to tell us what to do with our money, where to spend it, and how much we really need. Corporate laws are adjusted to the favorite B.B.’s of the current regime, to make life easier. It’s all a crock of BS in my book.
I suppose I’m just frustrated. I’ve lived too long with a budget and now that I don’t have one… or at least I’m not contributing to one; I feel that I have started to look at what’s really going on around me. Us. You.
We humans enjoy comfort. We want to be carried with minumal effort. That’s why there’s a whole lot more of us than the Amish. We want to be fat and happy, and there are people who have figured out how to become fatter and happier in the process of making us fat and happy.
I’ve chosen a lifestyle that is outside of the majority ‘norm’ and now I get to deal with it. The problem is, our society has been hard-wired to accept the ‘norm’ and literally or unconsiously show prejudice to those who step outside of it. Fear change. Fear that which is different. The ‘norm’ knows what is right and anything else just smells funny.
We all need to get ourselves a nose job.
- I.K.
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